B.Sc.Dietetics (UNP). PG.Dip.Diet (UKZN), DCEP (CA)

Patient Info
Registered dietitian Rika Mansingh takes care of her patients by sharing sound advice and valuable information. Here is some general information that can be of help to you.
Dietitians have both the scientific knowledge and counseling skills necessary to provide helpful food and nutrition advice tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.
Eat healthily to manage your health conditions, allergies and food restrictions
Reduce your risk of developing a diet-related chronic disease such as diabetes
Live a longer healthier life, if you have a chronic disease
Get the most out of your workouts; boost your energy and mood
Navigate the grocery store
Improve your relationship with food
Improve general eating behavior’s associated with good health
Reduce medication
Dietitians deliver cost-effective nutrition interventions and play a vital role in primary health care.
Reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 70 % in adults at risk
Improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Decrease body weight by about 3-6 kg
To be sure you are accessing a qualified nutrition professional look for the initials RD or PDt after the health professional’s name or ask if they are a registered dietitian.
Facts to factor in from Dietitians of Canada
Diabetes rates in Canada have almost doubled over the past decade and will continue to rise
It is estimated that over 50% of type 2 diabetes could be prevented or delayed with healthier eating and increased physical activity
Canadian adults with diabetes are 2 times more likely to see a family physician and 3 times more likely to be hospitalized and for longer periods
Heart disease is the second most costly contributor to the total health care costs in Canada
62 % of Canadian adults and 32% of children and youth (6-17 years) have excess weight or obesity
89 % of seniors have at least one chronic condition
45 % of seniors admitted to Canadian hospitals are malnourished. These seniors stay 2-7 days longer in hospital and cost the health system 60% more than well-nourished seniors.
Health care plan
Call your extended health care plan and ask:
Do I have coverage to see a registered dietitian?
Do I have a health spending account?
Do I need a doctor’s referral?
How much coverage do I have in a calendar year and do I have this amount for each family member?
If you have a health spending account, this can be used for your dietitian services
Many extended medical insurance plans cover nutrition counseling by a registered dietitian. The following insurance companies and programs offer coverage of up to $ 500 for registered dietitian services:
Blue Cross • Chambers of Commerce Group • Clarica • Great West Life • Liberty Health • ManuLife Financial • Sun Life
If you do not have coverage, let your employer know you’d like dietitian services added to your plan. Visit the Dietitians of Canada website for steps you can take to get coverage.

In the province of British Columbia, registered dietitians are classified as “Authorized Medical Practitioners”. If a client’s plan does not cover the services of a registered dietitian, they can save their receipt for a non-refundable tax credit. Dietitian services are also covered up to $1000 per person for Vancouver/Coastal and Fraser Health Management staff.